AshaRatna - Scholarship Program

A Ray of Hope for Children Orphaned due to COVID-19

Rajat was overjoyed when the school was declared closed due to the pandemic. The best thing that could happen to a 10 -year old going to school regularly and diligently! At 10 years of age Rajat did not understand the gravity. His father who was working in the city also returned, and he loved being around his father!

The reality of the pandemic and the lockdown hit Rajat, when his father succumbed to the infection. Rajat’s father was the sole earning member for his family and the old grandparents.
COVID pandemic has stunned, the rich and the poor alike. One of the worst hit are children who looked upon this break as a long holiday with the parents. But life has hit hard at many of them in this 1 and ½ year. Many lost their relatives, parents, family friends, and some lost their parents.
While there is no official estimate of the number of “covidorphans”, many more children are likely to lose parents in the months to come. Given the current trajectory, a team at Bengaluru’s Indian Institute of Science has predicted about 404,000 deaths by 11 June. The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation has estimated 1,018,879 deaths in India by the end of July.
Complaints have been received about children being deserted by their fathers after their mothers died of Covid-19. At times young girls have been forced to do hard labour for lesser wages as both their parents have died of Covid-19. (
One can consider the challenge of no jobs, low/no incomes & exhaustion of savings.  For an underprivileged family, in such a circumstances, where survival itself is challenging, education is a last priority.
For little Rajat, to comprehend this sudden shock has been huge. Rajat and many other like him are on the verge of leaving or have left school to begin work! Rajat’s mother has never stepped out of home. But she wants Rajat to continue education. Even if little support is provided to the family, Rajat might continue to study.
Will you help Rajat?

Continued Education Support

AshaRatna: Scholarship Process

A. Geographical areas:
Applications will be sought across India through trusted partners and NGOs. These NGOs have been working in partnership with RNCT for numerous projects including support to COVID patients through provision of oxygen concentrators. All these groups have been verified by RNCT before support has been provided. There are many requests from organisations for educational support for children during these times due to death of earning members in the families. The Scholarship “AshaRatna” will be introduced amongst these partners.
B. Selection of students
Students will be selected based on the criterion mentioned below.
  1. One deceased parent/ guardian/ earning member in the family due to COVID 19
  2. Support from Class 1-Class XII
  3. Scholarship form to be filled and submitted to RNCT (PFA the Annexure of scholarship form)
  4. Final interview and assessment conducted by RNCT 
C. Documentation process
  1. Reference letter from partner - Click Here
  2. Reference letter from school Principal - Click Here
  3. Aadhaar card
  4. Ration card of family member
  5. Medical reports
  6. Electricity bill
  7. Pan card of the family
  8. Death certificate of the family member
D. Monitoring and evaluation
  1. All the documents will be submitted, reviewed and approved by RNCT
  2. Quarterly calls/ visits/ video calls made to scholarship students with a brief educational report
  3. Scholarship to be reviewed every 1 year through result/ teacher report
E. Scholarship Amount and duration
USD150 will be provided to each child as a support to continue education. Support will be provided for one year.  
F. Personality Development Training
RNCT will undertake personality development, computers and English training for selected students ensuring a holistic development. Support will also be provided in terms of provision of books and clothes.
Project AshaRatna: Expected Impact
  1. Assured education support to 100 children across India impacted with COVID19 through educational scholarship.
  2. Decreased/ no drop out of education with the provision of scholarship due to COVID19.
Project Budget:
100 children X USD150 = USD15000
AshaRatna is an attempt to extend a supportive hand for the children and relatives, to ensure children study.                                                                                                               
USD150 will be provided to each child as a support to continue education. Support will be provided for one year.

Payment Options:

Payment Options:



  • MOBILITY CAMP AT JAMNAGAR, GUJARAT - In today's world, dedicating time and going an extra mile to help the needy at a personal level is rare to see. The kind of work you are doing is highly commendable. Having visited the medical camp and hearing about your work has left me completely speechless. Today, I feel grateful to God about so many things. I salute your effort and wish you all the success for your future endeavor.

    Mr. J. D. Majithia (Indian Actor, Director and Producer)
  • MISSION MILLION BOOKS - It is very good to see such a type of work going on. This exhibition will provide more benefit to the college library and students both. Staff co-operation is very nice. Wishing you all the best and hope your co-operation in future also.

    Dr. Muhammed Arif - Principal, Samadiya College of Arts & Commerce
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